Thursday, May 19, 2011

Towards the end of my exam.. my mind has been flooding with extraordinaire food on daily basis... and here's a few i am dying to sink my teeth into...........

Beer batter fish wrap in newspaper... commonly known famous food from Great Britain.... i had something somewhat similar off a shophouse back while touring in London with bbbbbbb and his family.

It was a real beer batter fish but it was a paper wrap fish fillet all the same... what was really special was the vinegar they had sprinkle... scratch that!- they had POUR onto the fish......and the chips that came along with it.....

it was the most sough-after food especially when you are all dehydrated from walking all day and seriously detest cooking..... must try.... couple with coke.... heaven!

bbbbbbbbbb and i have been making plans on visiting UK again sometime next year... and in exchange for that much looked forward to trip, we had to cut down on any other vacation planned this year.... thus the plan on a post-grad trip had been put on hold.....

and we've also made plans to cover even more areas of UK, inclusion of those we've already visit (i really really miss Newcastle and really wanna head back there again... for a longer period this time.. hahah.......)

some areas we are looking forward to covering include Denmark (the place of origin of my very good-friend-angel-Clarinda ) as well as Germany (the place she is residing in now..

bbbbb wanna cover a few more well-known soccer places (we've done Newscastle and Manchester) and are looking for more friends who are keen on travelling with us... he'll turn 26 this year and we can rent a car at UK at a cheaper rate so it'll more convenient (instead of the 4 hrs train ride i've tried which i dread) (or the 4 hrs bus ride which i NEVERwanna go through twice again)

so here's a picture of the German sausages i wanna try.... i am not a beef/lamb/pork person so my choices are very very limited.... but still, i am sure sausages of all other kind are equally tasty...

Coucous! first tried them when we were so limited by option in Paris (couldnt speak their language and they despise chinese that speaks english... )

Coucous can be commonly found in supermarkets in Paris... we bought them a couple of times.. pop it in the oven and ready to be shared in matters of minutes...

taste like rice.. but slightly different.. a North Africa food that is unique.. and something you wanna tried at least once in your lifetime..

kkk.. enuff dreams.. back to books.. bye

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